In coule of days (on January 18th, 2009) Scrapmania is going to celebrate its first year. I think neither Hawra nor Lara have thought that their fist planned forum „project“ to be is going to be taken into such a fancy ;-). An excellent forum with marvellous „residents“ – a nice „place“ not only for the ordinary days but for the extraordinary ones too… this is Scrapmania today. A mixed „band“ of various members, which is getting bigger each day (even of the really little ones ;-) ) has met there and thanks to the great mutual help brand new excellent and talented scrappers and even the designers are being born. I am really glad I belong there too.
A keďže sú Vianoce už za dverami, tak sme sa pri tejto príležitosti rozhodli pre Vás vytvoriť skvelý vianočný kit „Scrap-Xmas-mania collab“. Zapojil sa každý, komu to čas čo len trošku dovolil. Odhodlali sa nováčikovia a čas si našli aj „naši“ predávajúci dizajnéri a prispeli tak svojou troškou k tejto nádhere! Takže rozhodne sa máte na čo tešiť! Stačí keď si pozriete tento náhľad a som presvedčená, že sa už nebudete vedieť dočkať, až si tento darček „rozbalíte“ celý a pustíte sa do scrapovania ;-).
Because the Christmas time is coming soon we have decided to create an amazing Christmas kit „Scrap-Xmas-mania collab“ for you. Everyone who had a bit of time has participated. The new designers found the courage, „our“ selling designers found a bit of time and they have all worked together on this beauty! So you all should look forvard to it! Just look at this preview and I can bet that you would not like to wait till you will be able to „unwrap“ this gift and start scrapping ;-).
Tak už Vás nebudem dlhšie zdržiavať..snáď len krátke „pravidlá“, a síce: začína sa na Hawrinom blogu, kde si stiahnete jej časť collabu. Pod jej náhľadom (preview) nájdete link na ďalšiu časť, t.j. blog ďalšej zúčastnenej dizajnérky...u nej bude link na ďalšiu časť...atď. A aby ste si boli istí, že ste si stiahli všetky časti, od poslednej dizajnérky sa vrátite opäť na Hawrin blog ;-). Ešte snáď len – každý milý komentár nám urobí veľkú radosť – bude to ocenenie za našu snahu a budeme vedieť, že naša práca urobila radosť ;-). Ďakujeme! A teraz už
So I am not going to waste any more of your time.. just some more little „rules“: the download starts on Hawra's blog where you can get her part of this collab. Beneath her preview you will find a link to another part of the collab, by this I mean you will find there a link to a blog of other our designer where you can get the second part.. and on her/his blog there will be another link.. etc. And to be sure you have downloaded all the parts of the collab, you will get back to Hawra's blog at the end again ;-). Just one more thing – every little comment from you will make us extremely happy – to know that our work and ambition made someone happy ;-). Thanks! And now just
Tu je moja časť collabu
Here is my part of the collab
Pre získanie ďalšej časti – klik SEM
To get another part of this collab – click HERE
A na záver ešte „krátke“ titulky všetkých zúčastnených a ukážka skvelých LO-čiek, ktoré sú vytvorené z nášho spoločného kitu ;-)
And at the end a „little“ subtitles of all the participated designers and the LO previews scrapped of our collab ;-)
Lara aka Lara’s Digi World, Hawra, Palvinka, XenaKM, Kattom, Pavlita, Klapinka, Jenny sky, Zuska aka Julova, Erika aka E.T. Design, Malina Design, Design by Tina, Mag, Evercila Design, ZuzanaR, Janett
everything is from our amazing Scrap - Xmas - Mania collab kit
Bohužiaľ, naša hlavná spoluautorka projektu "Scrap-Xmas-mania collab" Lara aka Lara's digi world je dlhodobo indisponovaná, ale z toho najkrajšieho dôvodu - čaká totiž svoje prvé bábätko ;-). Všetci sa jej touto cestou chceme poďakovať za úžasný nápad a pomoc pri realizácii celého projektu. Jej freebie bude pridané dodatočne a máte sa skutočne na čo tešiť :-).
Unfortunately, the main co-author of the project "Scrap-Xmas-mania collab" Lara aka Lara's digi world is long-termly "out of order". However, the reason is as nice as possible, because she´s expecting her first child ;-). All of us would like to thank her for this idea and help with this project. Her freebie will be added later, but it is going to be worth waiting a little bit.
32 komentárov:
Thank you for your part of this fabulous kit!
naaadherne! krasna praca!
segrusik - jedna velka NADHERA! Dakujem, ze si sa do toho tak uzasne zapojila! Tvoje svetielko je neprekonatelneee ;). Si super..a prve freebko? cha..smelo mozes urobit dalsie a ja si isto stiahnem! Si super!
Perfektne! dakujem!
Dakujem!! Krasny kit!!! Len tak dalej, uz sa tesim na tvoje dalsie vytvory!!!
Dakujem! mas to uzasne! sikulka!
Ďakujem krásne!! Super časť!!
Thanks a lot for sharing :)
super prácička a máme niečo spoločné naše časti collabu sú našimi prvými freebie-čkami a verím, že nie poslednými :))) - teším sa!!!
How marvelous this wonderful kit is! Thank you so much for your generosity in offering your part to us as a gift. Your talent and hard work are truly appreciated.
Super pracicka Xeni, vyborne si to spravila...vdaka...
Xena, dakujem za skvelu spolupracu a krasne vianocne freebko.
vdaka za ucast! a na to, ze prve freebie - sikulka!! len tak dalej
Krasne freebko, dakujem!
no parada parada!!!Si velmi sikovna a velmi dakujem,ze si sa zapojila do tohto skveleho sme ale skvela banda cooooo? :)
Xeni, úžasné... Ja snímam klobúk pred tvojou časťou, si veľmi veľmi šikovná. ĎAKUJEM.
prosiiiiiiiiiiim, nejde mi heslo. nefunguje, pry je valid.
TY so very much!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much for sharing your beautiful part to this awesome collaboration!!
The elements in your kit, especially the angels, are so lovely.
Xena ďakujem za tvoju super časť nášho collabu :-)))
Thank you for sharing! You have done a wonderful collaboration!! All so fun!
Thank you so very much. Merry Christmas from Australia
Thank you!! Thank you!! Your part of the kit is wonderful and so is the whole huge collaboration!! Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you so much!
Thank you!
Thankyou so much for sharing your wonderful talent to help bring us this great xmas collab kit :)
Hugz Lauri
Supeeeeeer, klobuk dole pred Tvojou pracou! Dakujem :-)
Many thanks : )
Thank you so much. Beautiful.
Thank you so much for sharing your talent! :)
So lovely! Thank you!
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